Woo Jae Presents a Highlights Paper at CVPR 2023

Woo Jae Kim introduced his paper titled “Feature Separation and Recalibration for Adversarial Robustness” at CVPR 2023. Woo Jae’s work was chosen as one of the 235 Highlights papers with an acceptance ratio of 2.6%.

Keep up the good work Woo Jae!

Feature Separation and Recalibration for Adversarial Robustness
Woo Jae Kim, Yoonki Cho, Junsik Jung, and Sung-Eui Yoon
TopIEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
Highlights paper
arXiv GitHub Slides Poster

Outstanding Planning Paper Award at ICRA 2023

We are delighted to announce that our paper, entitled “Learning-based Initialization of Trajectory Optimization for Path-following Problems of Redundant Manipulators,” has been honored with the prestigious “Outstanding Planning Paper Award” at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023).
These awards recognize the exemplary contributions within each robotics field, as only 15 papers were selected among a competitive pool of 1341 accepted submissions.

We want to express our gratitude to the conference organizers and the entire research community for their support and recognition of our work.

KAIST Research News: https://researchnews.kaist.ac.kr/researchnews/html/news/?mode=V&mng_no=29730&skey=&sval=&list_s_date=&list_e_date=&GotoPage=1

Learning-based Initialization of Trajectory Optimization for Path-following Problems of Redundant Manipulators
Minsung Yoon, Mincheul Kang, Daehyung Park, and Sung-Eui Yoon
TopIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023
Outstanding planning paper award

Minsung Yoon Presents Posters at ICRA 2023

On June 1st, Minsung Yoon presented posters for two robotics papers at ICRA 2023 on behalf of the co-authors. The first paper is titled “Learning-based Initialization of Trajectory Optimization for Path-following Problems of Redundant Manipulators“, and the second paper is titled “Towards Safe Remote Manipulation: User Command Adjustment based on Risk Prediction for Dynamic Obstacles“. Notably, the first paper received the Outstanding Planning Paper Award at ICRA 2023.

Learning-based Initialization of Trajectory Optimization for Path-following Problems of Redundant Manipulators
Minsung Yoon, Mincheul Kang, Daehyung Park, and Sung-Eui Yoon
TopIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023
Outstanding planning paper award
Towards Safe Remote Manipulation: User Command Adjustment based on Risk Prediction for Dynamic Obstacles
Mincheul Kang, Minsung Yoon, and Sung-Eui Yoon
TopIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023

문보창 교수님 세미나

4월 14일, 저희 연구실에서 박사로 졸업하신 문보창 교수님 (GIST)께서 세미나를 진행해주셨습니다. 세미나 내용으로, SIGGRAPH Asia 2022에서 best paper award를 수상하신 Neural James-Stein Combiner for Unbiased and Biased Renderings 논문 등을 문교수님께서 직접 소개해주셨습니다. 세미나를 진행하고, 연구실 인원들과 학교 근처의 수목원을 거닐었습니다!