
SGVR Lab: Scalable Graphics, Vision, & Robotics Lab, is focusing on designing interactive and scalable techniques for computer graphics, vision, and robotics applications. Currently, we are mainly interested in designing efficient and scalable rendering, collision detection, planning, and image search techniques. Details on our lab. can be found at the following:
  • Introduction to prospective students: Here is a ppt file that I use for introducing our lab to CS graduate students.
  • Research Areas: We work on three different applications: rendering, image search, and motion planning.
  • News: Some of the recent news about our lab can be found.

Contact Us

You can send any comments on our research and this homepage to Sung-eui Yoon.


042-350-3531 (Professor)
042-350-7731 (Lab)
042-350-7831 (Staff)


3443 or 3440 (Students) or 3430 (Staff),
School of Computing Bldg. (E3-1),
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu,
Daejeon 34141,
Republic of Korea
In Korean:
대전광역시 유성구 대학로 291,
한국과학기술원 전산학동(E3-1)
3443호, 3440호 (학생) 또는 3430호 (행정)
(우편번호: 34141)


You can find where our lab is located within the KAIST campus:

3rd floor, CS Bldg.
Larger map
Kakao 맵으로 이동(새창열림)