Super Ray based Updates for Occupancy Maps
Youngsun Kwon, Donghyuk Kim, and Sung-Eui Yoon
TopIEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016
Super Ray based Updates for Occupancy MapsSuper Ray 기반의 점유맵 업데이트
권용선 (Youngsun Kwon)
Thesis, 2016
로봇공학학제전공 (Robotics Program), KAIST
Presentation slide
샘플링 기반의 자유 공간 추정을 이용한 최적해 모션 플래닝 가속화 알고리즘
김동혁 and 윤성의
한국로봇종합학술대회 (KROC), 2016
실시간 OctoMap 업데이트를 위한 점구름 데이터 양자화
권용선 and 윤성의
한국로봇종합학술대회 (KRoC), 2015
Recursive Path Planning Using Reduced States for Car-like Vehicles on Grid Maps
Sangyol Yoon, Sung-Eui Yoon, Unghui Lee, and David Hyunchul Shim
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015
Selective retraction-based RRT planner for various environments
Junghwan Lee, OSung Kwon, Liangjun Zhang, and Sung-Eui Yoon
IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), 2014
Cloud RRT*: Sampling Cloud based RRT*
Donghyuk Kim, Junghwan Lee, and Sung-Eui Yoon
ICRA, 2014
PROT: Productive Regions-Oriented Task space path planning for hyper-redundant manipulators
Junghwan Lee and Sung-eui Yoon
ICRA, 2014
샘플링 구름 RRT*: 활용과 탐색 딜레마에 대한 접근
김동혁, 이정환, and 윤성의
한국로봇종합학술대회 (KROC), 2014
Poster (1.02 MiB)
VLSH: Voronoi-based Locality Sensitive Hashing
Tieu Lin Loi, Jae-Pil Heo, Junghwan Lee, and Sung-Eui Yoon
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013
무인 자동차를 위한 실시간 모션 플래닝 계산 기법
김동혁, 이정환, and 윤성의
한국 HCI학회 학술대회 (HCI), 2013
Video (2.8 MiB)
SR-RRT: Selective Retraction-based RRT Planner
Junghwan Lee, OSung Kwon, Liangjun Zhang, and Sung-eui Yoon
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automations (ICRA), 2012