MS Defense of Yaxin, Juhyeong, and Woojung

Our lab members Yaxin, Juhyeong, and Woojung successfully defended their theses on June 6th, 2024. Yaxin presented her research thesis “Controllable Multi-Style Transfer with Diffusion Models.” Juhyeong introduced his research “SAM-based Audio-Visual Segmentation with Spatio-Temporal, Bidirectional Audio-Visual Attention.” Woojung explained his research “Towards Robustness against Domain Shift in Image Classification and Retrieval.”

Congratulations on all your hard work over the past two years!

문보창 교수님 세미나

4월 14일, 저희 연구실에서 박사로 졸업하신 문보창 교수님 (GIST)께서 세미나를 진행해주셨습니다. 세미나 내용으로, SIGGRAPH Asia 2022에서 best paper award를 수상하신 Neural James-Stein Combiner for Unbiased and Biased Renderings 논문 등을 문교수님께서 직접 소개해주셨습니다. 세미나를 진행하고, 연구실 인원들과 학교 근처의 수목원을 거닐었습니다!

Our research results on heterogeneous parallel computing were chosen and discussed at the 2013 KAIST annual report


Our research results on heterogeneous parallel computing were chosen and discussed at the 2013 KAIST annual report. 연구실에서 개발된 연구결과 중 이종병렬 처리 기술이 2013 KAIST research highlight로 선정되었고, 이에 대한 간략한 소개가 “2013년을 빛낸 연구성과” 책자에 소개 되었습니다.