Discriminative Subgraphs for Discovering Family Photos가족사진 발견을 위한 차별적 서브그래프
최창민 (Changmin Choi)
TopThesis, 2015
웹사이언스공학 (Graduate School of Web Science Technology)
Crowd Simulation based on Self-consciousness Theory자의식 이론에 의거한 군중 시뮬레이션
이가연 (Ga-Yeon Lee)
TopThesis, 2015
전산학과 (Department of Computer Science)
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Bayesian Network for Image Classification이미지 분류를 위한 베이지안 네트워크
순밍양 (Mingyang Sun)
TopThesis, 2015
전산학과 (Department of Computer Science), KAIST
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Compact Representation of High-Dimensional Data for Large-Scale Image Search대규모 이미지 검색을 위한 고차원 데이터 간략화
허재필 (Jae-Pil Heo)
Thesis, 2015
전산학부 (Department of Computer Science), KAIST
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Data-driven Multiple Importance Sampling for Monte Carlo Rendering몬테카를로 렌더링을 위한 데이터 기반의 다중 중요도 샘플링 기법
TopThesis (Myounghwan Seo), 2014
문화기술대학원 (Graduate School of Culture Technology), KAIST
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Sampling-based motion planning algorithm to handle a narrow passage problem좁은 길 문제를 해결하기 위한 샘플링 기반 모션 플래닝 알고리즘
이정환 (Junghwan Lee)
Thesis, 2014
전산학부 (Department of Computer Science), KAIST
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Parallel Proximity Computation on Heterogeneous Computing Systems for Graphics Applications그래픽스 응용 프로그램을 위한 이종 연산장치 기반 근접질의 병렬처리 기술
김덕수 (Duksu Kim)
Thesis, 2014
전산학부 (Department of Computer Science), KAIST
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Acceleration Techniques for Monte Carlo Ray Tracing몬테카를로 광선 추적법을 위한 가속화 기술
문보창 (Bochang Moon)
Thesis, 2014
전산학부 (Department of Computer Science), KAIST
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Interactive global illumination of non-deformable massive models정적 대용량 모델의 대화형 전역 조명
김태준 (Tae-Joon Kim)
Thesis, 2013
전산학부 (Department of Computer Science), KAIST
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Interactive Visualization and Collision Detection using Dynamic Simplification and Cache-Coherent Layouts
윤성의 (Sung-eui Yoon)
Thesis, 2005
Department of Computer Science, UNC-CH