Professor Yoon and his Ph.D. students, Sebin Lee, Minsung Yoon, and Taegeun Yang, conducted a tutorial session at the KRoC 2024 conference. The topic of this tutorial was “Advancements in Robot Motion Generation Techniques: From Sampling-Based to Reinforcement Learning and Applications (로봇 모션 생성 기법의 발전: 샘플링 기반에서 강화 학습 및 응용까지).”
Sebin introduced sensor technologies for enhancing robotic environmental perception. Minsung discussed reinforcement learning methods and their applications to robotic arms and quadruped robots. Taegeun explained hierarchical reinforcement learning and its applications in robotic motion planning.
The session provided a valuable opportunity to share knowledge on robot motion generation techniques, fostering meaningful discussions and idea exchange among participants.