Youngwoon received a scholarship from KFAS
Youngwoon received a scholarship from KFAS(Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies) for his MS. and Ph.D.
Bochang Moon presented a talk on Cache-Oblivious Ray Reordering at SIGGRAPH 2011
Bochang Moon presented a talk on Cache-Oblivious Ray Reordering at SIGGRAPH 2011, held from Aug. 7 to Aug. 11 in Vancouver.
We took summer MT and attended KCGS
From July 6 to 8, we took summer MT and attended KCGS in Yangyang Solbeach.
Bochang and Duksu got an intern offer
At April, Bochang got a summer intern offer from Adobe, USA.
Also, Duksu got an intern offer from AMD, USA.
Two new students joined our lab
Two new students, YoungWoon Lee and Hyoseob Park, joined our lab on Mar-08, 2011.
SGVR Lab News
Kunho, Jongun, Pio, and JaePil graduated with M.S. degree at Feb., 2011. Kunho and Jongyun joined the DigitalAria for the military server, while others continue to study for Ph.D. degree.
We had a trip to KumSan, DaeJeon at Nov
We had a trip to KumSan, DaeJeon at Nov.
Prof. Yoon gave a tutorial on proximity queries at SIGGRAPH Asia 2010
Prof. Yoon gave a tutorial on proximity queries at SIGGRAPH Asia 2010.
Prof. Yoon is named as IWON assistant professor on Nov
Prof. Yoon is named as IWON assistant professor on Nov., 2010.
This was covered at KAIST Times (2010, Nov.-9).
TaeJook Kim received the MSRA fellowship
TaeJook Kim received the MSRA fellowship.
Prof. Yoon gave a tutorial on proximity queries at ACM SIGGRAPH
Prof. Yoon gave a tutorial on proximity queries at ACM SIGGRAPH.
We had one day trip to the universal studio at LA
We had one day trip to the universal studio before attending the SIGGRAPH 10 held at LA.
Jae-Pil Heo presented a talk on Fracturing-Aware Stable Collision Detection at SCA 2010
Jae-Pil Heo presented a talk on Fracturing-Aware Stable Collision Detection at SCA 2010, held between July-2 and Julyt-4 in Madrid.
Pio Claudio received Korean Government Scholarship
July: Pio Claudio received Korean Government Scholarship. He will be supported up to four years.
Our RACBVHs won 3rd place in 2010 ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals
Our RACBVHs won 3rd place in 2010 ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals. TaeJoon received the award. Prof. Whang is awarded as ACM fellow at the ACM Award banquet.
Two URP proposals related to our lab are accepted
June: Two URP proposals related to our lab are accepted.