Prof. Yoon organized a tutorial on motion planning for Korean Robotics Society.
Prof. Yoon organized a tutorial on motion planning for Korean Robotics Society. The tutorial has been well received with many audience. The tutorial information is available at:
We attended Korea HCI 14 held at High1 resort, KangWon
Prof. Yoon taught two courses in this fall semester
Prof. Yoon taught two courses in this fall semester: motion planning (graduate level) and data structure (undergraduate level).
We had a short tour on HongKong area after giving a talk.
We had a short tour on HongKong area after giving a talk.
Soomin gave her talk at CAD/Graphics 13
Soomin gave her talk at CAD/Graphics 13, HongKong, Nov. 2013
수민양이 CAD/Graphics 학회에서 논문을 발표했습니다.
We attended IROS13 conf.
We attended IROS13 conf. at Nov 2013, and gave a talk on our recent hashing technique.
IROS13에 참여하였고, 개발한 해슁기술을 경로생성에 적용한 연구를 발표하였습니다
We had a short retreat to a nearby national park to enjoy the fall
We had a short retreat to a nearby national park to enjoy the fall.
좋은 정기를 받기 위해 10월에 수통골(계룡산 국립공원)에 잠깐 다녀왔습니다.
Some of our research collaboration resulted in gift awards from Adobe.
Some of our research collaboration resulted in gift awards from Adobe.
Our TVCG work is chosen as a spotlight paper
Our TVCG work is chosen as a spotlight paper for Sep. issues of IEEE TVCG.
Dr. Song gave a talk on bioinformatics.
Dr. Song gave a talk on bioinformatics.
TaeJoon treated all the lab members for appreciating their supports and celebrating his successful defense
TaeJoon treated all the lab members for appreciating their supports and celebrating his successful defense in May. 김태준 박사 (예정)가 디펜스를 마치고, 축하 저녁을 사셨습니다.
Our image retrieval team will participate in the Exobrain project
Our image retrieval team will participate in the Exobrain project, which can help human to choose better options. We will mainly work on understanding visual information in the project. 연구실의 이미지 검색팀이 엑소브레인과제에 참여하게 되었습니다. 엑소브레인 과제는 인간의 의사결정을 도와줄수 있는 인공지능 기반 시스템으로, 이미지 검색팀은 다양한 비쥬얼 기반 정보를 분석하고 의미를 추출하는 기술 개발할 예정입니다. 엑소브레인은 인간 두뇌를 외부로 확장한 ‘몸 바깥의 인공두뇌’를 의미합니다. [PDF]
A picture taken in our homecoming day
A picture that was taken in our homecoming day, May 2013. 2013 홈커밍데이에 찍은 사진입니다
Our lab hosted a ERC (공학연구센터) workshop
Our lab hosted an ERC (공학연구센터) workshop on May-2, 2013.
Prof. Miguel Otaduy visited our lab and gave a talk
Prof. Miguel Otaduy visited our lab and gave a talk on his recent research on contact handling, haptics, and simulation (Apr-16).
The picture of our lab members
The picture of our lab members (Apr.)