Our dept. has a dept. introduction to freshmen
Our dept. has a dept. introduction to freshmen at Nov. Prof. Yoon contributed to organize the event as the student committee chair. BTW, the number of students who declared CS as their major is 117, which is a record high for the CS Dept.
Prof. Jia Pan, our academic uncle, visited our lab
Prof. Jia Pan, our academic uncle, visited our lab. and gave a talk on his robotics research. He recently moved to City University of Hong Kong.
Prof. Yoon attended Shonan meeting on Big Data Visual Analytics
Prof. Yoon attended Shonan meeting on Big Data Visual Analytics held at Japan on Nov. We discussed lots of things on future visualization problems, especially on streaming data.
Prof. Jyh-Ming Lien, George Mason Univ., USA, visited our lab and gave his talk on shepherding
Prof. Jyh-Ming Lien, George Mason Univ., USA, visited our lab and gave his talk on shepherding. After the talk, we take a walk to YuRim Park to enjoy mum flowers.
Lien교수님으로부터 양치기기술에 관한 경로 생성기법 세미나를 듣고, 학교 근처에 있는 유림공원에 방문하여, 국화축제를 구경하였습니다
A picture taken at Lotte hotel toward the KAIST, Sept. 2015
A picture taken at Lotte hotel toward the KAIST, Sept. 2015
David Kasik, ACM Fellow and Boeing Senior Technical Fellow, visited our lab and gave the dept. colloquium talk at Sept. 14, 2015
Mountain hiking trip for celebrating promotion from CS to SoC
Our CS dept has been promoted to School of Computing (SoC) since this March. To celebrate this, we had a mountain hiking trip followed by a barbecue party today with many students from various programs of our SoC. Prof. Yoon participated in the event as the student representative committee chair.
P.S., KAIST is located somewhere in the landscape picture.
Our early work on ray tracing received “Test-Of-Time 2006 Award” at High-Performance Graphics, 2015
Our early work on ray tracing received “Test-Of-Time 2006 Award” at High-Performance Graphics, 2015:
RT-DEFORM: Interactive Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes using BVHs Christian Lauterbach, Sung-eui Yoon, David Tuft, Dinesh Manocha
This work proposed bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) for ray tracing dynamic models. BVHs are commonly used now as an acceleration data structure for ray tracing using CPUs or GPUs. This concept has been adopted by recent interactive ray tracing kernels such as Optix and Embree.
It received 149 citations as of 2015.
윤성의 교수가 참여한 아래 논문이 고성능 그래픽스 국제학회 (High-Performance Graphics)에서 올해 2015년에 선정한 “Test-Of-Time 2006 Award”를 수상하였습니다.
RT-DEFORM: Interactive Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes using BVHs Christian Lauterbach, Sung-eui Yoon, David Tuft, Dinesh Manocha IEEE Symp. on Interactive Ray Tracing, 2006
이 연구는 고화질 렌더링에 사용되는 광선추적기술(ray tracing)의 가속화 자료구조로 기존에 많이 쓰이는 kd-tree가 아닌 bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs)를 제안하였다. 기존의 kd-tree는 정적 모델에 주로 최적화된 자료구조이나, BVH를 이용하여 게임/영화에 흔히 사용되는 동적 모델도 효과적으로 다룰수 있는 기술적 토대를 제공하였다. 기술을 개발한지 약 10년이 지난 현재, 제안한 BVH는 광선추적기법에서 흔히 사용하는 가속화 자료구조로 인식이 되고 있고, CPU 및 GPU 기반 기술에서도 널리 사용되고 있다. 또한 최근에 개발되고 있는 고성능 광선추적엔진 (Intel의 Embree 및 Nvidia의 Optix)에서도 차용되어 널리 사용되고 있다.
2015 현재 이 논문은 149회의 인용을 받고 있다.
Prof. Yoon gave a siggraph tutorial on denoising for MC rendering
Prof. Yoon gave a siggraph tutorial on denoising for MC rendering;
We had our lab’s alumni dinner at SIGGRAPH
We had our lab’s alumni dinner at SIGGRAPH. Dr. TaeJoon Kim and Dr. Bochang Moon joined. 시그래프에서 연구실 졸업생 저녁 모임이 있었습니다. 다른 학회에서도 많이 모일수 있으면 좋겠습니다.
Dr. Bochang Moon gave two SIGGRAPH talks
Dr. Bochang Moon gave two SIGGRAPH talks in this year. These works are based on weighted local regression and its application to MC rendering.
We participated in SWRC forum
We participated in SWRC forum, a forum of SW Starlabs, at July.
We had a demo session at KCC this year. Our demo received an award. 우리 데모가 우수 데모 작품상을 수상하였습니다. 감사합니다.
We attended RSS 15
We attended RSS 15, a CS oriented robotics conf., held at Rome (July).
We attended KCC 15
We attended KCC 15, held at Jeju. We gave a demo session at KCC and visited some places at Jeju. Our SWs shown in the demo session are available at our SW homepage.
ChangMin gave his MS defense talk well!
ChangMin gave his MS defense talk well!