A research work conducted by TaeYoung Kim and JaeHyeong Cho received an award in the field of Computer Science and Engineering

A research work conducted by TaeYoung Kim and JaeHyeong Cho received an award in the field of Computer Science and Engineering given by 22nd Humantech Paper Award, Samsung Elec.
김태영/조재형군이 진행한 연구가 2016년 삼성 휴먼테크 장려상을 수상했습니다.

Prof. SeokHee Hong, University of Sydney, and Benjamin Renoust, a post. doc. at National Institute of Informatics, visited our lab and gave a talk

Prof. SeokHee Hong, University of Sydney, visited our lab and gave a talk on her research, visual analytics on graphs. Also, Benjamin Renoust, a post. doc. at National Institute of Informatics, gave a talk on Network Visual Analytics for News Exploration at Jan., 2016

Prof. Jyh-Ming Lien, George Mason Univ., USA, visited our lab and gave his talk on shepherding

Prof. Jyh-Ming Lien, George Mason Univ., USA, visited our lab and gave his talk on shepherding. After the talk, we take a walk to YuRim Park to enjoy mum flowers.

Lien교수님으로부터 양치기기술에 관한 경로 생성기법 세미나를 듣고, 학교 근처에 있는 유림공원에 방문하여, 국화축제를 구경하였습니다