TAs, awardee of Image Search course got together and enjoyed lunch
TAs, awardee of Image Search course got together and enjoyed lunch (Jan)
retreat to DaeDunSan
Our lab had a retreat to DaeDunSan(대둔산) (Dec)
We had a farewell lunch for Wlady
2016/12/22: We had a farewell lunch for Wlady, who will return back to TU-Berlin.
Prof. Yoon gave the image search course
Prof. Yoon gave the image search course in this fall semester.
Starting December 2016, We will be working with HUBO lab in Kaist
Starting December 2016, We will be working with HUBO lab in Kaist. We will be working on motion planning side of the project.
We successfully finished our ADD project
We successfully finished our ADD project that we have worked on many years. Thanks for all the participants!
Pio successfully defended his thesis
Pio successfully defended his thesis. He will become Dr. Claudio soon. Congratulations!
2016 fall
It’s fall. A photo near our department around November.
One of our co-authors, Dr. SeokHoon Kim, recently move to Qualcomm San Diego after his 6 year long work at SamSung
One of our co-authors, Dr. SeokHoon Kim, recently move to Qualcomm San Diego after his 6 year long work at SamSung. He has been working GPU and worked together w/ Prof. Yoon on the subdivision: TVLSI_2011.pdf
Short retreat to the Yurim park near KAIST.
On Oct-21, 2016, we had a short retreat to the Yurim park near KAIST.
Hyuncheol gave a talk at IROS 16 and had dinner together
On Oct-13, 2016, Hyuncheol gave a talk at IROS 16 and had dinner together with us.
문보창 박사 광주과기원 GIST 조교수 임용
문보창 박사 광주과기원 GIST 조교수 임용
전산학부 문보창 박사(지도교수: 윤성의)가 2016, 9월 부로 광주과기원 (GIST) 에 조교수로 임용되었습니다. 문박사는 전산과 석/박사를 마치고, Disney Research 에서 포스닥을 진행하였습니다. 그래픽스 최고학회인 SIGGRAPH에서 고화질 연구 분야로 많은 논문을 발표하였으며, 문박사의 연구논문은 아래 홈페이지에서 찾으실수 있습니다.
Our school had a retirement ceremony for Prof. Whang, ACM/IEEE Fellow, and a distinguished prof. at KAIST.
On Aug-30, 2016, our school had a retirement ceremony for Prof. Whang, ACM/IEEE Fellow, and a distinguished prof. at KAIST. I have prepared the ceremony with other staff members (Mr. SeoSik Shin and Mr. DaeJong Kim). It required lots of communications and efforts, but I was very happy to see that the event turns out well. Prof. Whang will continue his academic career at DGIST, another science research oriented school like KAIST.
WoongJik treated us for his graduation and leaving
WoongJik treated us for his graduation and leaving. He will join Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, located at Seoul.
Dr. Duksu Kim and Prof. Yoon attended the Korean Night held at SIGGRAPH.
Dr. Duksu Kim and Prof. Yoon attended the Korean Night held at SIGGRAPH.
Our alumnus, Dr. Moon, presented a siggraph paper
Our alumnus, Dr. Moon, presented a siggraph paper based on our prior work on the image based filtering. He will join GIST starting from Sep. as an assistant professor. Wish the best for him!