Prof. Yoon visited Lawrence Livermore National lab., and Adobe (San Jose)
Prof. Yoon visited Lawrence Livermore National lab., and Adobe (San Jose) in March 1 and 2.
Our lab attended KSC 17 held at Busan, Dec.
Our lab attended KSC 17 held at Busan, Dec.
Prof. Yoon visited UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University for research collaboration
Prof. Yoon visited UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University for research collaboration, Dec. 2017
DongHyuk and Inkyu successfully finished their proposal and defense talks
On Nov-23, DongHyuk and Inkyu successfully finished their proposal and defense talks. Also, Woobin finished his MS proposal.
Prof. Yoon visited Dept. of CS, UC-Irvine, and gave a talk
Prof. Yoon visited Dept. of CS, UC-Irvine, and gave a talk on our research and SWs. (Oct., 2017)
Prof. Yoon had lunch with students who worked hard for CS380.
Prof. Yoon had lunch with students who worked hard for CS380.
Myungbae presented his work on distributed out-of-core rendering at HPG 2017.
Myungbae presented his work on distributed out-of-core rendering at HPG 2017.
연구실에서 고속고출력 로봇개발 1차년도 워크샵에 참여하였습니다.
연구실에서 고속고출력 로봇개발 1차년도 워크샵에 참여하였습니다.
Our paper DDK-RRT received the best paper award (ICAR)
Our paper, DDK-RRT: A Data Driven Kinodynamic RRT for continuous kinodynamic planning with complex dynamics received the best paper award at International Conference on Advanced Robotics(ICAR), 2017 (Received the best paper award in robotic planning)
금일(7월 7일 금요일) 베스타에서 점심을 먹었습니다
금일(7월 7일 금요일) 베스타에서 점심을 먹었습니다. 용선, 태형 KCC에서 받은 상금으로 사주셨습니다.
KAIST is selected within top-20 schools in terms of computer graphics
KAIST is selected within top-20 schools in terms of computer graphics according to a recent Eurographics article. Thanks for all of your hard work and efforts put on conducting research.What we are teaching in intro to computer graphics
Yongsun and Taeyoung participated in sw and demo competition held at KCC 17
Yongsun and Taeyoung participated in sw and demo competition held at KCC 17. YS won the competition, and TY’s work is placed at the 3rd positions. Congratulations. YS also received an intern opportunity at MSRA
Our lab has retreat from KCC 2017 held at Jeju island.
News: Our lab has retreat from KCC 2017 held at Jeju island.
전산과 근처에서 거위/오리와의 조우
전산과 근처에서 거위/오리와의 조우
Prof. Yoon had two classes in the spring semester
Prof. Yoon had two classes in the spring semester of 2017. This picture is taken from one of them (motion planning course).
민철군이 석사 디펜스를 진행하였습니다
민철군이 석사 디펜스를 진행하였습니다 (2017, 6월)