A new student, JaeYoon Kim, joined our lab, and we had a dinner welcoming him right after our research review workshop: Wish the best for him!
YoungGi received an award on his IPIU paper.
YoungGi received an award on his IPIU paper.
JaeHyeong and Taeyoung received a Samsung HumanTech award on their research work
JaeHyeong and Taeyoung received a Samsung HumanTech award on their research work, which is based on JH’s MS thesis.
We had SIX graduates in the year of 2016.
We had SIX graduates in the year of 2016. Among them, three students were able to attend the graduation ceremony held at Feb., 2017.
Pio got a job at his home country.
Pio got a job at his home country. Before he leaves, he treated us.
영기, 인규, 태영군이 IPIU에 참가를 하였고, 영기/인규군의 논문을 발표하였습니다.
영기, 인규, 태영군이 IPIU에 참가를 하였고, 영기/인규군의 논문을 발표하였습니다.
Prof. Cho (POSTECH) visited our lab and gave a talk on his work.
Prof. Cho (POSTECH) visited our lab and gave a talk on his work.
InKyu gave his poster presentation at KROS.
InKyu gave his poster presentation at KROS.
연구실의 로봇팀이 차세대 휴보 개발에 참여하게 되었습니다.
연구실의 로봇팀이 차세대 휴보 개발에 참여하게 되었습니다. (아틀라스 로봇 능가하는 휴머노이드 만든다)
연구실 졸업생인 이정환 박사님께서 결혼소식을 전해주셨습니다.
연구실 졸업생인 이정환 박사님께서 결혼소식을 전해주셨습니다. (1월 13일)
TAs, awardee of Image Search course got together and enjoyed lunch
TAs, awardee of Image Search course got together and enjoyed lunch (Jan)