Sung-Eui Yoon (윤 성의)
Scalable Graphics, Vision, & Robotics Lab.

Dept. of Computer Science
291 Daehak-ro(373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-701
South Korea

+82-42-350-3531 (office)
+82-42-350-3510 (fax)
Email : sungeui 'at'
Office: 3432 at CS building
Other affiliations: KAIST AI, KAIST Robotics Program, CS Robotics
Old pictures

About Me

CV, publications, Google scholar profile, blog.

Hi, I'm Sung-Eui Yoon(윤 성의) and professor at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. and Tech.)
Currently, I am leading Scalable Graphics, Vision, & Robotics (SGVR Lab.) at KAIST.
My research interests span scalable rendering, vision, and robotics problems including Monte Carlo ray tracing, image search, and motion planning for robots.

I received my Ph.D. degree from Dept. of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill under the advisory of Dr. Dinesh Manocha and did post. doc at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. I also received my B.S. and M.S. degree from Dept. of Computer Science, Seoul National University. Here is my academic lineage.

I am married, and have one daughter and one son (pictures).

Job opening

I am actively looking for self-motivated graduate students and post docs. If you are interested in my research areas, please feel free to contact me.
Check out the current postdoc opening.


Sung-eui Yoon

1st edition, July 2018, 148 pages
Freely available on the internet
Copyright 2018

Real-Time Massive Model Rendering
Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics and Animation
Sung-eui Yoon, Enrico Gobbetti, David Kasik, and Dinesh Manocha
2008, 122 pages
Morgan & Claypool Publishers
Other ongoing draft on image search and motion planning.


  • Graduate-level
  • Web-Scale Image Retrieval: S21, S20, F18, F16, F14, F12, F11
  • Its videos are available at KLMS
  • Motion planning: F20, F19, S17, F15, F13, F11, Fall 09
  • Graduate-level CG: S22, S19, S16, S13
  • Advanced Rendering: Fall 2010 , Fall 2008
  • Scalable Computer Graphics: Fall 2007
  • Undergraduate-level
  • CS482, Interactive CG: F21 F18 F15
  • CS380, Computer Graphics: S20, S17, S14, S11, S10, S09, S08
  • Its videos (S14) are available at KLMS
  • CS206, Data Structure: S19, F14, F13
  • CS101, Introduction to Programming: S15, S14
  • Tutorials/Workshops at conf.
  • Motion Planning and Application: KCC 24, KROS 14
  • Sound Source Localization for Robots and AI speakers: KCC 21, ICRA 19
  • Heterogeneous Parallel Computing: KSC 18
  • Image Search and Classification: KSC 21, CVPR 16, S14 at KIISE
  • Open SWs to Our Research: Korea HCI 16, KCC 15
  • Photo-Realistic Rendering: SIGGRAPH 15, Eurographics 15, KCGS 14
  • Massive Model Rendering: Visualization 09, SPM 08, SIG. Asia 08, SIGGRAPH 08, 07, 06, EG 06,
  • Ray tracing: SIGGRAPH 06
  • Collision detection: EG 12, SSIGGRAPH and SIG. Asia 06

  • Conf., Workshop, and Tutorial at Conferences

    Sound Source Localization for Robots
    Sound Source Localization and Its Applications for Robots
    IEEE ICRA (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) 2019
    Workshop chai: Sung-eui Yoon
    Course on image search and classification:
    Recent Image Search Techniques
    IEEE CVPR 2016
    Sung-eui Yoon and Zhe Lin
    Conference for Computer Graphics
    ACM Symp. on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2012
    Sung-eui Yoon, Conf. co-chair for ACM I3D 2012
    ACM Symp. on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2013
    Sung-eui Yoon, Program co-chair for ACM I3D 2013
    Course on high-quality rendering:
    Denoising Your Monte Carlo Renders: Recent Advances in Image-Space Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction
    Nima Kalantari, Fabrice Rousselle, Pradeep Sen, Sung-Eui Yoon, and Matthias Zwicker
    State of the Art in Interactive Ray Tracing
    ACM SIGGRAPH 2006, Co-speaker
    Course on proximity query:
    Recent Advances in Real-Time Collision and Proximity Computations for Games and Simulations
    Organizer: Sung-eui Yoon and Dinesh Manocha
    Lecturers: Erwin Courmans, Richard Tonge, Dinesh Manocha, Young J. Kim, Sung-eui Yoon

    This was offered at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2010
    Organizer: Sung-eui Yoon and Young J. Kim
    Lecturers: Takahiro Harada, Young J. Kim, Sung-eui Yoon

    This was offered at EG 2012
    Organizer: Sung-eui Yoon
    Lecturers: Erwin Coumans, Stephen Frye, Takahiro Harada, Sung-eui Yoon
    Course on massive model rendering:
    Tutorial: Interactive Massive Model Rendering
    Organizer: David Kasik and Sung-eui Yoon
    Lecturers: E. Gobbetti, D. Kasik, D. Manocha, R. Pajarola, P. Slusallek, and S.-E. Yoon
    IEEE Visualization 2009
    Tutorial: Interactive Massive Model Rendering
    Organizer: Sung-eui Yoon
    Lecturers: TBA
    ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008
    Class: Massive Model Visualization Techniques
    Organizer: David Kasik
    Lecturers: A. Dietrich, E. Gobbetti, D. Manocha, F. Marton, P. Slusallek, A. Stephens, S-E, Yoon
    Mini-Symposium: Technical Strategies for Massive Model Visualization
    Summary paper
    Enrico Gobbetti, David Kasik, and Sung-eui Yoon
    ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium, 2008
    Course 4: State of the Art in Massive Model Visualization
    Organizer: David Kasik
    Lecturers: B. Bruderlin, W. Correa, A. Dietrich, E. Gobbetti, D. Manocha, F. Marton, I. Quilez, P. Slusallek, A. Stephens, S-E, Yoon
    Tutorial 2: Real-time Interactive Massive Model Visualization
    D. Kasik, D. Manocha, S. Yoon, A. Stephens. B. Bruderlin, P. Slusallek, A. Dietrich, E. Gobbetti, F. Marton, W. Correa, I. Quilez
    Eurographics 2006, Vienna


    Interactive Visualization and Collision Detection using Dynamic Simplification and Cache-Coherent Layouts
    Sung-Eui Yoon, Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005


    Links that I'm occasionally visiting.

    This document is last updated in Apr, 2017.