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Fundamentals of Computer Graphics,
1st or 2nd Edition, P. Shirley et al., AK Peters Errata is available at the link. First edition is available at the KAIST book store. |
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Fig. 1, Photo-realistic image generated by ray tracing method. (Image excerpted from PovRay homepage)
In this course we will discuss various topics to create 2D images computationally generated from three dimensional model representations. Particularly, we will focus on the following topic:
What you will get at the end of the course:
Lecture schedule (subject to change)
# of lecture, date |
Topics and slides |
Notice |
1, Feb-6 (Mon.) | Overview on the course and course policy | |
2, Feb-8 (Wed.) | Screen space and world space | |
3, Feb-13 (Mon.) | Basic OpenGL structure |
PA1-Spec. PA1-skeleton-codes |
Lab. 1, Feb-14 (Tue.) 19:00pm~21:00pm | OpenGL #1 (Room #307 in Creative Learning Buliding) Slide | |
4, Feb-15 (Wed.) | Basic OpenGL structure (cont'd) Notice: PA1 | |
5, Feb-20 (Mon.) | 2D Transformation |
Demo: ImagePlay Demo: Animation |
Lab. 2, Feb-21 (Tue.) 19:00pm~21:00pm | OpenGL #2 (Room #307 in Creative Learning Buliding) Slide | |
6, Feb-22 (Wed.) | 3D Transformation I | |
7, Feb-27 (Mon.) | 3D Transformation II | |
Lab. 3, Feb-28 (Tue.) 19:00pm~21:00pm | OpenGL #3 (Room #307 in Creative Learning Buliding) Slide | Quiz Assignment #1 |
8, Feb-29 (Wed.) | Modeling Transformation |
PA2-Spec. PA2-skeleton-codes(included reference EXE file) |
9, Mar-5 (Mon.) | Viewing Transformation I |
PA3-Spec. PA3 reference EXE file |
Lab. 4, Mar-6 (Tue.) 19:00pm~21:00pm | OpenGL #4 (Room #307 in Creative Learning Buliding) Slide | |
10, Mar-7 (Wed.) | Viewing Transformation II |
Trackball codes Luxo Lamp codes |
11, Mar-12 (Mon.) | No class (ACM i3D conference) | |
12, Mar-14 (Wed.) | Interaction |
PA4-Spec. PA4 reference EXE file |
13, Mar-19 (Mon.) | Culling and Clipping | |
14, Mar-21 (Wed.) | Culling and Clipping II | |
15, Mar-26 (Mon.) | Mid-term exam | Sample mid-term exam |
16, Mar-28 (Wed.) | No class due to the exam period | |
17, Apr-2 (Mon.) | Rasterization I and Mid-term review | |
18, Apr-4 (Wed.) | Rasterization II | |
19, Apr-9 (Mon.) | Invited talk, Sangwoo Lee | |
20, Apr-11 (Wed.) | No class because of the election | |
21, Apr-16 (Mon.) | Rasterization III |
PA5&6-Spec. PA5&6-skeleton-codes PA5 Reference EXE file PA6 Reference EXE file |
22, Apr-18 (Wed.) | Rasterization IV | |
23, Apr-23 (Mon.) | Illumination and shading | |
24, Apr-25 (Wed.) | Illumination II | |
25, Apr-30 (Mon.) | Texture mapping | Texture demo |
7:00pm, Apr-30, Extra class | Texture Mapping II | |
26, May-2 (Wed.) | Texture Mapping III | |
27, May-7 (Mon.) | Ray tracing | |
7:00pm, May-7, Extra class | Ray Tracing II | |
28, May-9 (Wed.) | Ray Tracing III | |
29, May-14 (Mon.) | No class (ICRA & Eurographics) | |
30, May-16 (Wed.) | No class (ICRA & Eurographics) | |
31, May-21 (Mon.) | Final exam |
CS380 homepage at spring of 2011
Useful information about computer graphics:
Paper search:
The course materials are built upon previous efforts of whom
organized computer graphics courses at Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
I'd like to thank all of them, particularly, Brandon LLoyd. Thanks!
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Additional reference materials and links
CS480 homepage at spring of 2010
CS480 homepage at spring of 2009
CS480 homepage at spring of 2008